삐에로는 우릴 보고 웃지 - 김완선 1991년 '쇼 토요특급' 에서의 모습!
Day by Day - Jackie Moore 1991년 번안곡
Day by Day
Jackie Moore
Time flies
When I think about you
Why baby why
I really really want you
No time I have the alibis
In your arms I feel so complete
This is a story of summery night
My friend needs a party and I say "All right."
Let's shake the fly girls keep movin' tonight
So open up the door and we're inside
Love's a game
Don't lose your chance tonight
Don't be afraid
I feel you by my side boy
Take a breath
Believe in yourself
I'm only the girl that you need
When I'm feeling scared and lonely
You'll be my side
and if not you'll be my hero
Everytime you light a fire
in my foolish heart
maybe for all the time or here
just for one night
Day by day
I'm losing my mind
You're the boy that I like
Day by day
Don't waste your time
I am your sweet loving kind
Tell me why
Why baby you're so shy
The passion burns inside you hesitating
Count to four leave your worries behind
The rhythm is right for our love
Jackie Moore는 80년대 이탈리아 디스코계 최고의 여성 보컬리스트인 Dora Carofiglio의 영어 이름이다.
그녀는 90년대 초반 전세계의 히트곡들을 리메이크해서 발표했는데 'Day By Day'는 김완선의 히트곡
'삐에로는 우릴 보고 웃지'를 유로 하우스(Euro House)풍으로 리메이크한 곡이다.
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